Sarah's Homepage

This is your homepage (for you to decorate as you like in the coming weeks). Your home page will have links to your tutorials, homework assignments, and coursework.

Class Exercises

Here's a link to a few class exercises I've done (optional). I haven't linked them all yet, but could...


Note that your links should be completed (not just the starter files).

Design Inspiration

Here are some websites that inspire me. I'm hoping to recreate some of these effects in my own website (with my own spin on it).


Homework 2: HTML

(Except yours will be completed)

Homework 3: CSS Practice

(Except yours will be completed)

Homework 3: CSS Grid

(Except yours will be completed)

Quizzes & Exams


  • Project 1A
    • Link to page
    • Link to wireframe
  • Project 1B
    • Link to page